Wednesday, December 7, 2011

All wrapped up...

I love wrapping up christmas presents. I think I love it as much as buying them. I can see it now...Christmas Eve with a glass of wine and listening to festive tunes...and recovering from the madness of last minute shopping. Here's some pretty d.i.y. gift wrap ideas to make that loved person hesitate (let's face it, ever so slightly) before mercilessly ripping it open to find the gift beneath - but it'd look so pretty under the tree! The links are under each photo.

Pretty toppings to the simplest of paper

How to make your own tulle pom-pom bows

A delicious burst of colour

I'm a big big fan of brown paper

great idea as long as no-one shares an initial :)
While on the brown paper love...such a simple lovely idea

a paper cutter to make the scalloped edge
Lovely little boxes

A step by step photo guide

Pretty and feminine

gorgeous paper roses

It would look great with vintage festive paper as the cut outs

Ultra simple with the use of a paper cutter

Paper gift bows

The classic decoration

I'm not sure whether I'm going to be able to put up any tutorials for a while as my camera is progressively first it just hated natural light but now it won't do any close ups and appears to like the idea of making everything unfocused :( Not really great when I want to show each step...or even just the finished item! So, instead I'll root around and share wth you all the great ideas that are already floating around on the internet for this christmas time.

Happy wrapping!


  1. This is lovely, really like the brown paper with initials one! Have found some fab kraft paper wrapping paper in Tesco with red metallic polka dots :)

  2. Oh and the one with lollipops!

  3. OOOOOOooooo and the paper roses! Wonder if I'll have time to do these, hope so, thanks for the inspiration! x

  4. Your flower wrap looked amazing!
