Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The minnie bow {tutorial}...

This will probably be my only post this week as things are pretty busy as we are going to look around prospective cities for us to live later this year! Exciting times...but also busy times :) But I wanted to make sure I got the second installment of 'two bows, two ways' up this week. You can see the mini bow tutorial here. Here goes...

This one is more time consuming as it involves much more sewing but I still had it finished in about an really not time consuming at all!

What you need:

Fabric (pressed)
Snap fasteners x2
Tape measure
Needle and thread
Dressmakers pencil (or the like)
sewing machine

1) Press and cut three pieces of fabric - 6.5"x9", 2"x 3.5" and 4"x waist width+2"

2) To make the bow: Take the 6.5"x9" fabric and fold in half (right sides together). Pin and sew with a 3/8" (1cm) hem. Press the hem and turn right way out.

3) Fold in half again (raw edges together) with the seam on the outside. Pin and sew (You'll be bored of me saying this). Again press the edges and turn right side out so that the original seam can no longer be seen.

4) Sew 3 large running stitches through the middle of the fabric and push the fabric together to create a bow shape. Wrap the thread tightly around the middle and secure with a knot.

5) Now for the middle section. Take the 2"x3.5" fabric and fold the short side in half (wrong sides facing). Pin and sew. Press the edges. Again fold the raw edges together with seam facing out and sew together. Turn right side out so both seams are inside the newly formed loop of fabric. If you think you want to make both the hair bow and belt without making two bows, then just make two middle sections and you can switch them main bow between the two accessories (I like little cheating tips!)

6) For the hair bow: I prefer not to glue the grip because then I can switch it between accessories. If you wish to glue then do this now (where the seam is) and leave to dry. Thread the bow through the middle section and attach grip (if not gluing!). Then wear your beautiful bow proudly knowing you just created it!

7) For the belt: Leave the bow and middle section separate and place to one side. Measure your waist width and cut fabric 4"xwaist width+2". Fold it in half (right sides together) and pin. Sew and press the edges. Turn right side out and press with the seam in the middle.

8) To create neat ends simply tuck the raw edges inside the belt and sew to secure. It's useful to use matching thread as this may slightly show once the belt is finished. I'd like to say I went for black to make it easier to show you...but I just forgot to pick up yellow thread!

9) Measure and mark two dots 1/2" from each end with a dressmakers pencil/chalk. Sew on the snap fasteners. I used two pairs as it is quite a bit wider than the mini bow belt. Remember to sew the fasteners onto opposite sides of the fabric!

10) Take the middle section of the bow and add a thin layer of glue to the back. Secure to one of the ends of the belt (about 1/2" in). Leave to dry. Once dry simply thread the bow through the middle section. And all is finished!

The yellow fabric is making me long for Summer :)
I hope you all have a great week!


  1. How versatile! So cute :) Thanks for sharing! I love that yellow color you chose.
    Stay Crafty x0x0

  2. This is a lovely make :) love the colour too xx
