Thursday, March 8, 2012

A burst of creativity (or not)...

This time last week I had just welcomed my husband (and laptop) back home after some time away without me. I much prefer it when they're with me but I did think that in the absence of any distractions I would have a wonderful productive time which would result in me having lots of crafty ventures to share with you. I waited and waited but that spark of productivity just never struck...although that may be linked with my excessive viewings of CSI.

So instead I've collected a few things I've made lately to share with you.

This is the aforementioned clutch bag...which one day I will post the tutorial for. As you can see, the love of bows continues...which is strange as I have never really owned anything particularly bow-y before. We have a record number of weddings this year so a new bag was most definately needed, this was the first time of me sewing a zip so it took me a while but seems to have turned out just fine :)

This was my one bit of creativity while hubby was away. A lovely friend of mine came over and we had a fab evening of chatting and card making. As there was only one card to show for it we clearly did a lot more of the chatting! I adore these gorgeous little houses and I think it makes the perfect home-warming card...I just need to find someone who's moving homes now.

Me and wire go a long way back. I have a huge collection of beads just waiting to have wire lovingly wrapped around them. One of my favourite things to do when I started jewellery making was to study the jewellery in my favourite shops to work out how they made it. Well this idea came from one of those catalogues that suddenly appear on your doormat in the weeks leading up to christmas. I was intrigued to know whether I could replicate it. I'm pretty happy with how it worked out, I love how the pearls look like blossom. I don't have any photos of this in progress so let me know if you would be interested in a tutorial and I'll attempt to make another!

So there's my little story of what I have been up to lately. I'd love to hear what you've been making, drop a link in the comments below :)

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