Monday, June 11, 2012

A taste of summer...

So I have been scoffing these for quite a while to help invoke that summer feeling that the weather hasn't quite been able to provide! But I adore frozen snacks and smoothies in the summer time so I thought I'd share with you three refreshing treats that I'm loving this year.

Now this could serve two but I can easily down this with no help at all. I adore smoothies, they are so refreshing and so healthy. I love the combo of mango with pineapple.

What you need:
1 handful of fresh pineapple
1 1/2 handfuls of frozen mango
Approx. 150ml orange juice

What you do:
1) Add all ingredients to your smoothie maker and blend. Just add more orange juice if the smoothie is too thick for you, I personally love a good slushy smoothie :) It's just worth making sure your smoothie maker/blender can handle ice/frozen food.

(Adapted from Delicious Shots)
What you need:
1 cup fresh orange juice (approx. 3 oranges)
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
zest of one orange
4 cups of strawberries and blueberries (defrost if using frozen fruit)
1-2 tbsp vodka (optional)

What to do:
1) Bring the sugar, orange juice and water to the boil, stir until the sugar has dissolved.
2) Add the berries and zest and boil for 8 - 10 minutes.
3) Blend the mixture until smooth (I used a soup blender)
4) Pass through a fine sieve to remove seeds and zest. At this point add the vodka if you wish. This isn't because I'm an alcoholic but to help keep the sorbet soft in the freezer!
5) Leave the mixture to cool and then freeze in the ice-cream maker according to the manufacturer instructions.

I love frozen yoghurt, I especially love the ease of just dropping a tub of yoghurt into the icecream maker and see it transform in no time to a delicious pudding. I saw this idea on Pinterest (inspired by one good thing by Jilly) and it looked too good to miss. Yoghurt becomes slightly bitter when it freezes so you might want to add a little sugar to taste.

What you need:
Yoghurt (approx 1/2 a large tub makes one tray of drops)
Sugar or honey to taste

What to do:
1) Line a baking tray with clingfilm.
2) Fill a medium plastic bag with yoghurt. Secure the top and cut a small corner out of the bottom.
3) Squeeze drops of the yoghurt onto the baking tray
4) Flatten the drops with the back of a spoon if needed.
5) Freeze for 1-2 hours and then transfer to tub. Keep frozen during storage.

What are your favourite summer snacks?


  1. Yum, the frozen yoghurt drops sound lovely. Never heard of anything like that before, but I'll definitely give it a try!

    1. Let me know what you think when you make them :) I loved them as a sweet snack but definitely go with a little sugar/honey to counteract the bitter taste yoghurt seems to take when it freezes! Hope you enjoy :)
