Friday, November 16, 2012

Jewellery gift ideas part 5 - ribbon wrapped comb

Unique jewellery is such a lovely gift and it's even more meaningful when you have put the time and effort into making it yourself. I love making and receiving handmade gifts, so I thought I would put together a mini series which will hopefully inspire you to whip out your jewellery stash and get creating!

The beauty of each of these ideas is that they are so versatile - you could either make them just as I suggest or simply use each of the tutorials as a springboard to that perfect gift.

Already made: Vintage inspired pearl and ribbon necklace, beaded pendant necklace, woven earrings, teardrop necklace

You can never have too many pretty things to put in your hair. This ribbon wrapped comb is so versatile, and if you get bored with the colours you could just unwrap it and do it again in different colours!

1) Simply take your selection of ribbon and wrap around the comb a few times to secure and conceal the end. Continue to wrap around the comb in whatever pattern you fancy :) I laid the narrower piece of ribbon on top of the larger one and then wrapped them round together.

2) When you've finished, feed the ribbon back under itself and tie a knot, cut the excess ribbon.

This has got to be the quickest idea so far, so there is no excuse not to try it! This is it for this week but I'll be putting up the final three ideas next week.

Have a great weekend!

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