Monday, February 4, 2013

How to make your own: pomegranate molasses

Once upon a time I experienced a salad which eclipsed all salads that I had ever eaten or, in fact, have ever eaten since. In fact I didn't know salad could be so delicious. Now there's a chance that over the course of three years since eating said salad that my memory has slightly exaggerated my tasting experience but trust me, it was good!

There's just one problem.

I have no idea what made it so good.

It was made by someone I worked with for only a very brief amount of time and all I knew was that the dressing was made using something her boyfriend had brought back from visiting relatives in Lebanon.

Well guys, I think I now know what that something is...pomegranate molasses! Oh I'm so hoping it is so that I can recreate the delicious mouthwatering salad that I would almost give up chocolate (but not fresh bread) for. Wow in writing that sentence I just realised that I really would prefer to give up chocolate over fresh bread...although that might purely be because my sugar cravings have just been satisfied with a giant cookie or three.

Anyways...back to pomegranate molasses. In my January subscription of Good Food, there was an intriguing recipe for sweet and sour ribs in which pomegranate played a dominant role. Whilst we weren't completely overwhelmed by the end results (my quest for the perfect ribs please send any favourite recipes you have my way!), I loved the pomegranate molasses recipe that they supplied alongside the rib recipe. So I thought it would be mean to not share this delicious syrupy goodness with you :)

If you're wondering what pomegranate molasses are or how you might be able to use it then there's a great article over at Food 52 which has some great recipe ideas (including a salad dressing!).

Homemade pomegranate molasses
Source: Good Food Magazine (Feb 2013)

800ml pomegranate juice
Juice of 1&1/2 lemons
5tbsp caster or granulated sugar

1) Add all ingredients to a deep frying pan over medium-high heat

2) Bring to the boil and simmer until the sugar has dissolved and the liquid has reduced to a syrup consistency, The original recipe suggest this will take 15 minutes but I found it took about 30 minutes. It will yield approximately 175ml syrup. Keep an eye on the mixture as if you over boil it, it will thicken up quickly and burn.

It is such a simple recipe and I found it a lot easier than trying to find the bottled version in my local shops :)

I'm off to try to recreate that long dreamt of salad...Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds so delicious. I'm thinking it would be delicious in hot tea! new follower :)
