Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A new look for a new season...

I have been itching to change this little space of mine for a while now. When I did my last redesign it was the first foray I had in the world of design and html. I was pretty excited by the fact I wasn't bound by the blogger layout that I think I went a little crazy with all the links!

I wanted to simplify the space and make it more personal. I've been thinking a lot over the last year as to how I want to use my blog. There's a lot of information out there on the internet on 'growing your readership', 'attracting sponsors' etc etc. It's easy to feel like that should be your aim and your mark of success. But I didn't start blogging with that goal, and when I put pressure on myself to produce a 'professional' looking blog, I don't particularly enjoy it.

What I do enjoy is how blogging has enabled me to meet so many like-minded people and how it has motivated me to return to my passion for crafting.
It is nearly two years since I started writing here, and in these last two years I have made more things than I had in the last 10...and I love that!

I hope you like the new look :)

Credits: If you need to map an image then I so recommend you try out http://www.image-maps.com/ . It made life so much easier for me (I used it for my social media icons and my navigation bar). Also, I used the font Niteclub.


  1. It looks really great! I love what you've done with it :)

  2. I just found your blog so I don't know what it looked like before, but it has a nice look now! I look forward to exploring it further.
